Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Girls be FAKING.
so i ask why waste your time and my time if you don't want what i want? just come out straight forward, be mature, and let that person know how you feel. Truth is valuable and is very much desired..
"Duffman says a lot of things."
New tat tomorrow!
"Duffman says a lot of things."
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Arts and Crafts
This weekend..
That was a dumb question! duh i am excited to come home. i plan to week the first week i return, back at chili's. ughh.. but yay! they are offering me good money and right now i really need it.. so yeah..
But about the activities i hava planned for this summer are wide ranged. i will definitely be skating alot and chillin and partying with The CREW and others. i also plann to attend a few shows or something fun like that. i had planned to get a car soon after i returned home.. but i wasnt being too responsible and i might not have offer money for one that i really want, because i refuse to settle. but we shall see what happens. So see you all in the DMV, and to you NC enjoy being dull without me.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The inevitable can hold fear..
This thing called earth holds so many hardships and for what, to say that you were strong enough to get through them? Sometimes i feel as Death and homecoming is the reward for having to live on this Hell formally known as earth. But is it guaranteed that the homecoming is even there, or what if the eternal home is not the one northbound but the reverse direction? we can never know if we have fulfilled God's calling for us as individuals, and for that reason the inevitable will always hold fear in my eyes. It is a fear compiled but positive curiousity and just as much doubt.
Living is hard and dying is easy, so does that mean that we work hard to just die and disappear? i have so much on my mind with the feeling my heart holds. i want to believe we work hard in life to be rewarded but i will never know my ultimate reward until it comes, hoping that the promise of eternal glory does come. Maybe i am just thinking too much about my life's direction, because i am so confused with the person i am, and the person i am working to become. i want to be able to find one person i love and one person that makes me enjoy this lifetime. but should i be depending on a individual with faults just as i to fulfill my happiness? so many questions with no guaranteed answers.. i should stop before i put myself in a mood that will be too hard to exit. this doesnt have to make since to you readers it is just something i need to relieve from my mind.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Koston leaves Lakai...{old news} but joins NIKE SB!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Duffman with a Brown Pigmentation.. and that is it!
This bewildered me because what the hell does it mean to be 100%.. is it because i love rock and hate the gangsta rap shit?.. or because i wear skinny pants and love to skate?.. or it is because i dont indulged in complete and utter ignorance that is commonly associated with the black race?..
I am quite frankly getting tired of hearing the Black/white shit...Race is so socailly constructed, it is ridiculous. (thanks UNST) I have discovered that i have no race. i am not black. i am not white. I am simply Duffman with a Brown Pigmentation... and that is it!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Led Zep!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This Weekend...
Also there will be a new battle commander on the berrics... Kerry Getz.. it shall be awesome.
Oh also, first tatto of many is coming soon.. bank flow is definitely goin my way, so we shall see
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Skateboarder Meteorologist.. haha
New complete.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What do i do for lunch..?
Update: My advisory got made at me because i didn't understand the what he was saying.. ummm i advise that he write it down because his dialect is a little much for me to handle.. but i will work through it.
Today i research air parcel trajectory of the red sea. very interesting.
"Duffman says a lot of things."
Monday, May 11, 2009
First Day at Internship
So Overall i feel that i can handle whatever they throw at me. Considering on my first day i was able to successfully track Tropical Storm Debby from 2006 and create a satellite imagery movie for it. mwuahahaha =]
Well, i am back off to reading Understanding Weather and Climate. I am teaching myself about clouds and hurricane formations.
"Duffman says alot of things"
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Zumiez Couch Tour
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Es Game of Skate
"Duffman says a lot of things"
United by Fate. Episode five O_o
"Duffman says alot of things"
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Beginning of the End..
I just wish i could come home for the majority of the summer, but i have to get my money and build my foundation for my future success with thiss 10 week REU internship. i hope it is as great as i am expecting. Well i dont have much to say, just thought i should update my bloggers about my current college status. peace out..
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sad Boys..
I dont think this is too much.. The name of my crew shall be THE SAD BOYS (SAD = Skate and Destory), pretty rad huh?? but this can be a sort of calling out to all skaters in the Greensboro, NC area.. If you want awesome people with awesome steez hit me up to start this epidemic. We can modify the skate world with hard work, dedication, and fuckn ultimate shredage. This crew will not consist wack ass, goomba ass, non steezy mo fo's. it will be official i hope. if not i will stay the only memeber of the SAD BOYS.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Back to the Basics... once again
Also, i have to say that being in elementary school and having the ability to have your own Laboratory is flipping awesome, only awesome people think of this stuff. And if you pay attention to dexter's voice, you will notice he has a strong carribean accent.. kinda weird but hella awesome to have a white miniture carribean scientist. what esle can you ask for for?.. nothing doubt it. The plot is awesome and i love the cartoon. I am a bit upset to the way that cartoon network has changed but the old cartoon network is definitely something that is award winning great..Cartoons simply FTW!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
You Just Don't Know the Value
The quote, "You do not know the value of something until you lost it.", is so true. I have not lost D.C. but i miss it so much and i hate that i have to be away. But i will be content here, start my foundation for my money flow, and get back whenever and how ever often i can.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Black Man cant Dance
But why do i have to complete inability to dance and actually look good. It is an insult to my ancestery i believe, they work hard in music, art, and dance and i have not maximized the gift they gave to our generation. i feel like i am the only one. but anyways, since i am lacking dance skills i will just become a EPIC pro in skateboarding and be content with that.
"This is the little kid that caused my inner pain."
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I got this girl thing all figured out.
So, i

Therefore, girls make us look bad for wanting there poonon but the the truth is they think about cock and poonon more than every guy in the world, they just started releasing the sexual strain in a different way. They also start at younger ages. and they are jerks for that.
On the search for a legit Bun joint.
Is that hard to find ? or am i just looking in the wrong places or just not hard enough? or or she rigth around me and i am slightly missing her?
good questions need good answers, so anwers those for me.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Do i attend a High School?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Back to the Days when nothing mattered

Thursday, March 19, 2009
New Found Hobby
awesome skate spot to practice tricks, nothing too big.
But who figured that i ended up playing doubles in tennis and we actually beat those sorry mofo's we played.. ha! i think i am goin to start playin tennis when i dont feel up to skating.
it isnt a gay sport. it is hard as hell to be good. but i will be one day, mock my word
HBCU, maybe not
Is that even possible...
Quite stupid in my opinion. Society is Dumb. Rebel yell...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Running off of Education
Making friends out of nothing at all...
But i was so wrong and biased for that assumption, i have actually found three of the best people that the MD and NC have to offer. And they happen to be my roommate and the guy next door and his girlfriend. They have adapted to enjoy my presence just as much as i enjoy theirs. We are inseparable. Their names are Kevin (Kevo), Brian (B-dog), and Ashley (Ashbash). They make life in North Carolina entertaining and tolerable.
The thing about it though is we are so differnt, but we still have to small things that bring us all together. Who thought i would like the people that love GoGo music?.. who thought they would teach me to like it as well?.. no one, definitely not I. But i love those three and i am too joyous to say i have the honor and pleasure to know such fantastic people.
Random Movies make the world go round

I know you are thinkin big deal, high school kids running for class president , whip-ti-do.. what could possible be great about that. But your wrong, the writer added so much more than a gay election plot with outrageous side stories and creativity that you mind will truly be blown. So much random plots; love affair between a female a student, lesbain little sisters, high achool jock stealing lesbian little sister's girlfriend, love affair between best friend's wife, and too many other random things to name.
If you havent seen this movie, i advise you go see it. iI will make you gut jump, your ribs crack, and your brain go on vacation to Euphoria. Well it did for me, if it doesnt for you go get the happy gland checked.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The daily ops of me..
After i get back from my morning class, i immediately shred my clothing and hop into the buttery goodness of my bed. And i get on the laptop and log on to the BERRICS.

This the best site ever... skateboarding heaven. i have to check the daily ops everyday. Today's new post was about PJ Ladd's Project granite, which he will do a new ledge trick every tuesday, how fucking sick is that yo. Then i might flip back over to the older vids that i have already watched thousands of times...But, let me disgress and get back to myself.
Ummm. i tend to fall right to sleep after i check that ops and i then wake up at 1:30 pm to get to my 2pm classes which i hate... and then i just go to class til 4 pm and then it is either to the caf to eat, or back to sleep, or maybe even some homework if i am feeling good (rarely do i feel good enough). but yeah life is pretty lame in NC. Weekends are bland, but in the next few weeks i plan to have a blast doing whatever it is that tickles my pickle..